MiW Design Studio is Now Lucid!


“Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good…”Peter says before collapsing in front of Tony.


“I don’t want to go…I don’t want to go. Please, I don’t want to go Sir.” “I’m sorry.”As Peter utters his last words before turning into dust and vanishing in Tony Stark’s hands.

If you’re a Marvel fan, I’m quite certain you’ve watched (with great emotions) this scene unfold and can’t help but feel sorry for our friendly neighborhood arachnid.

This was a pivotal moment for everybody in the Marvel cinematic universe. This meant that things will never be the same again. Never.

This, ultimately, meant CHANGE.

We at MDS (MIW Design Studio) have always been proud of our outputs and the relationships we’ve built with our clients throughout the years. It’s our strongest suit. And putting out results that we and our clients can be proud of has been our constant source of inspiration. It’s has been engraved in the very DNA of our company.

We’ve been around for a long time and started more than a decade ago. Though we all have gained significant experiences and specialties throughout that time, we feel that the very reason why we existed, in the first place, doesn’t serve our clients anymore and give them the value we know we can give.

There was something different this time and we know it’s real. We questioned:

“If we can’t give our clients the output and value that they deserve, then why are we still here?”

Left with that, we know that something needed to be done. And so we decided to inevitably change.



gif from tenor.com


We’re changing the very fabric of the company. How it gets inspiration to creatively turn ideas into working pieces of art. Because that’s exactly what we’ll give to our clients, they are pieces of art that convey their thoughts, their desires and ultimately, their goals.

We’re changing how we interact with our clients. We want them to be front and center. We want them to take the wheel and steer us to the direction they want to go. We want to make it about them. We will be their tools to achieve greater designs and transcend just having visually stimulating content.

“this definitely isn’t change for the sake of change”As Slack mentioned in their rebranding


lu·cid (adjective)

  1. (of a dream) experienced with the dreamer feeling awake, aware of dreaming, and able to control events consciously.
  2. bright or luminous.“birds dipped their wings in the lucid flow of air”

Our new and fresh outlook in design and creative thinking, armed by new team members who are as eager and hungry to prove this, will be our driving factor.

When we show them the results we promise, we want to make them feel like they’re dreaming. That sense of awe and amazement. But this time, they are in complete control. They will be able to tap our decades worth of knowledge and experience and ultimately tell us how they want their designs to be, moreover, tell us what they want to achieve, what their goals are. and we’ll translate that to a work of art that perfectly encapsulates all of it.

Yes, we changed our logo. Yes, we changed our social accounts. Yes, we have changed.

But this isn’t change for the sake of change.

This is LUCID.

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